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They’re Paying Millions To Speak With Yambo At Mar-A-Lago

They’re Paying Millions To Speak With Yambo At Mar-A-Lago

Oh look! Guests are paying millions of dollars to dine and meet with the Talking Yam at special events held at his Mar-a-Lago compound in Palm Beach. Isn’t that nice of him, to want to meet with voters? Via WIRED:

Business leaders can secure a one-on-one meeting with the president at Mar-a-Lago for $5 million, according to sources with direct knowledge of the meetings. At a so-called candlelight dinner held as recently as this past Saturday, prospective Mar-a-Lago guests were asked to spend $1 million to reserve a seat, according to an invitation obtained by WIRED.

“You are invited to a candlelight dinner featuring special guest President Donald J. Trump,” the invitation reads, under a “MAGA INC.” header. MAGA Inc., or Make America Great Again Inc., is a super PAC that supported Trump’s 2024 presidential campaign. “Additional details provided upon RSVP. RSVPs will be accommodated on a first come, first serve basis. Space is very limited. $1,000,000 per person.”

[…] The invitation specifically states that “Donald J. Trump is appearing at this event only as a featured speaker, and is not asking for funds or donations.” The event occurred at 7 pm on March 1 and was listed on the president’s official schedule as the “MAGA INC. Candlelight Finance Dinner.” This is the only event by that name on Trump’s official schedule since he took office.

Is this legal? Who cares? IT’S LIKE GETTING A PAPAL AUDIENCE!

And Papa John Roberts will make it okay!

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